Is space exploration worth the cost?
Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, space exploration is worth the cost in general. Now let me explain the details.
First, space exploration helps industrial progress. For example, space offers a unique environment, such as “zero gravity” and “very low temperatures.” Plus, it has stronger light energy than on Earth’s surface. So, you can use them to create useful materials, food, and medicine. In addition, as aerospace technology advances, outer space will be a new promising destination for future tourists.
Next, I understand some may argue that space exploration is literally exorbitant. Certainly this has a point, but the technology developed for space exploration has also helped many people. For example, the water purification technology was initially developed for space missions, but now it provides developing countries with access to clean water and helps with agriculture, saving countless lives.
Therefore, despite its astronomical costs, we should appreciate space exploration, and find way to use it for making the world a better place. Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-O]