
Agree or disagree: Surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places.

Depending on the security situation and other national circumstances of countries, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, installing cameras is a good idea unless it violates citizens’ privacy too much. Now let me explain the details.     

First, surveillance cameras can visually deter criminal activities, because anyone can easily recognize the cameras, and their footage can offer convincing crime evidence. In this way, surveillance technology can prevent crime and incréase public safety in turn. Plus, surveillance cameras help cover more areas with less staff. This is important in many developed countries such as Japan, where the aging population is making societies less secure.     

Next, I understand some may argue that the cameras can infringe on citizens’ privacy. Certainly, we must prevent abuse of surveillance technology. Thus, we must have proper guidelines and obtain residents’ explicit consent before installing devices.     

Having said that, finding a balance between the public safety and human rights is an important yet challenging matter. So, we must consider them carefully to find out the optimal approach. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-F]

*balance A with B が最も簡単だが置換はしていない。


Are the police doing enough to combát crime?  

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, the authorities have made strides over the years, in combating crime. Now let me explain the details.     

First, we come across many police officers who are working around the clock to prevent, stop, and resolve crimes. Plus, they are also working to improve visibility in cities, by installing additional streetlights and surveillance cameras. In addition, they are collaborating with local governments to demolish vacant houses and block walls. These efforts show the police’s commitment to fighting crime.     

Next, I understand some may argue that challenges remain, such as combáting mafias. However, the public also understands that the police are trying their best with limited resources, and expresses support for them. It will take years of hard work and commitment to resolve these problems. In other words, just we don’t see quick results doesn’t necessarily mean nothing is happening.     

Therefore, even though there is still room for improvement, I conclude that the police are making their best effort to combát crime in society. Thank you for your attention. [186 Words Type-E]

combát: 英米でアクセントの位置が違う。


Does the government shape public opinion or reflect it?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, it depends on several factors. Now let me explain the details.     

First, in any country, it is natural for the government to reflect the will of “the sovereign.” So, in a democracy, elected officials should represent the interests of all the citizens. In this way, the government reflects public opinion. In other words, democracy empowers citizens to control the government, not vice versa.    

Next, diverse factors, such as how the media reports on a certain topic, can affect the relationship between the government and public opinion. For example, if the media only reports pro-government information, it may influence public opinion. For this reason, many politicians are trying to manipulate public opinion through social media such as Twitter. I am afraid this trend can undermine democratic decision-making.     

In this way, the relationship between the government and public opinion is complex and depends on many factors. So, we need to consider them carefully to lay down the optimal system. Thank you for your attention. [181 Words Type-B]


Should people have the right to bring their children to work?

Depending on what we are and where we live, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, in many cases, people do not have the natural right to bring their children to work. Now let me explain the details.     

First, commuting with their parents is usually a long and stressful experience for children, and for parents. Plus, workplaces may not be safe for them because of, such as high temperatures and hazardous equipment. So, carelessly bringing children to work can result in unintended accidents and injuries.     

Next, I understand some may argue that taking care of their kids is a basic human right, but we should not address it as a human right, but as a labor contract matter. As the philosophy of “work-life balance” prevails, every workplace will find proper childcare solutions, such as setting up on-site childcare.           

In conclusion, while caring workers’ children is important, we should also be conscious of safety and productivity in the workplace, and make efforts to find out a better work-life balance. Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-N]


Are young people today interested in politics?

Depending on how old we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, many young people are interested in politics. Now let me explain the details.     

First, young people are eager to make society better than in the past. It is because they will spend more time in society than seniors, and will face a lot of challenges such as “low wages” and “collapsing pension funds.” So, they inevitably care about these problems and want to become more engaged in politics.     

Next, I understand some may argue that young people are not willing to speak out, but as it is, they are not so docile and often act quickly based on their discontént. So, some political parties in Japan today seem to go along with their political perspectives. This is especially important in countries such as Japan, where the aging population is causing serious social stagnation.           

Therefore, even though the political influence of young people seems to be still insufficient, we can be optimistic about their participation in future politics. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-C]


Does the political system in Japan need to be reformed?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but come to think of it, Japan’s political system has some points that need to be reformed. Now let me explain some of them.     

First, the Japanese political system appears to be heading toward “a one-party dictatorship.” This often results in a lack of transparency in political decision-making, which sometimes leads to corruption in turn. To stop this, we need more transparency in political systems. For example, every politician, not only ministers, should reveal their “conflicts of interest” and their income sources.     

Next, Japan now ranks at the bottom of “the gender gap index” among developed countries, partially because of the small number of female lawmakers in the national and local assemblies. It’s not hard to assign some seats in the Diet to women, often referred to as “quota system.”           

Therefore, even though the Japanese political system has many advantages, I conclude that we should make more efforts to reform it in some aspects, in order to reflect the public interest better. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-D]


Can the government be trusted to spend taxpayers’ money wisely?

      Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, we can trust the government to spend their budget properly, at least at this time. Now let me explain the details.     

First, Japan has “a divided-powers system,” where each power independently represents the citizens’ will. For example, there is a parliamentary system, where citizens have the right to vote for the officials who reflects their political views. In this way, each of them is a powerful tool for citizens to control the government’s decision-making based on the public interest.     

Next, I understand some may argue that there are many corruption and mismanagement within the government, but there are also checks and balances in place to prevent, detect, and correct such things. For example, “the National Audit Office” is monitoring government spending, and citizens hold the power to vote out officials who mishandle public funds.           

Therefore, even though there is still room for improvement, I conclude that we can be optimistic about the democratic governance, and find out how to use public funds for a better society. Thank you for your attention. [190 Words Type-O]


Is it acceptable to treat water as a private commodity?

Depending on what we are and where we live, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense. It’s important for any country to try to find the optimal policy, but in my view, allowing private ownership of water is not a good idea. Now let me explain the details.     

First, “access to clean drinking water” is a basic human right. That is why the UN Sustainable Development Goals have it listed as one of their key challenges. But, privatizing water could limit low-income people’s access to clean water, which is unacceptable in our world today.     

Next, I understand some may argue that privatizing public services would enhance efficiency, but few studies exist to support this argument for now. On the contrary, companies that own water systems frequently form monopoly to make huge profits, which can lead to higher prices.           

In conclusion, we must see “ensuring access to water” as an important principle that supports “a right to live” in present day. To maintain this, we should not undermine this by looking for any loophole policy. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-F2]


Is political correctness necessary in our world today?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, political correctness is necessary in our world today. Now let me explain the details.

First, political correctness encourages an inclusive and accepting community, society, and country. Plus, it helps respect minority opinions, so protects freedom of speech in turn. On the other hand, when threatening or discriminatory speech prevails, people feel vulnerable and insecure, which is unacceptable in our society. In this case, political correctness provides people with an opportunity to think about compassion.     

Next, I understand some may argue that political correctness is only popular in the US, but we know that discrimination exists across the world. So, it is important to use sophisticated expressions to avoid hurting people with words. In this sense, I am optimistic about the positive effects of political correctness on democracy.           

Having said that, finding a balance between anti-discrimination and freedom of expression is an important yet challenging matter. So, we must carefully consider these practices to find out an optimal approach. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-F1]


Is it possible to eliminate discrimination against minority groups?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, our efforts against the discrimination is insufficient, so it is challenging to eliminate it soon. Now let me explain the details.     

First, discrimination has always existed throughout history. It is due to our diverse ideologies, religions, and political perspectives, which provoke our prejudices and stereotypes. Plus, people tend to believe that they are superior to others. So, changing attitudes toward minority groups would be a long-term process that may take hundreds of years.     

Next, today, there are countless types of minority groups. For example, there are those who based on “gender,” “ethnicity,” “language,” “disability,” “religion,” “income,” “homelessness,” “age,” and more. I am afraid that it’s almost impossible to find a resolution that satisfies everyone.           

Therefore, I conclude that it is difficult to eliminate discrimination against minority groups, at least at this time. However, the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed ‘reducing discrimination’ as one of their key challenges. So, all UN member countries must come together to achieve the goal. Thank you for your attention. [184 Words Type-G]


Is enough being done to integrate “people with disabilities” into society?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, all those involved have made strides over the years, in integrating people with disabilities into society. Now let me explain the details.  

First, in many developed countries, laws and regulations are now put in place to help social activities of people with disabilities. In Japan, for example, major public buildings, transportation systems, and business facilities must have assistive technology listed, to make them more accessible to people with disabilities. In addition, many companies are working to prevail “working from home.”     

Next, I understand some may argue that challenges remain, such as promoting employment support. However, the public understands that the authorities are trying their best, and actively accept people with disabilities. It is because, without them as a workforce, Japan’s economy could stagnate, resulting in lower tax revenues and potential collapse of social systems in turn.     

Therefore, even though there is still room for improvement, I conclude that our society is making its best effort to integrate people with disabilities into society. Thank you for your attention. [186 Words Type-E]

person with disabilities: 障害者


Should same-sex marriage be legal?

This is a very controversial topic; depending on what we are and which religion we follow, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, we should accept all marriage in society, including same-sex ones. Now let me explain the details.     

First, there is no scientific evidence for denying same-sex marriage. Because homosexual tendencies have always existed throughout history, and are more widespread than commonly believed. Studies on this point have shown that homosexuals have always accounted for nearly 5% of the population, regardless of era.     

Next, I understand some may support other arrangements for same-sex couples, such as “domestic partnerships.” But this idea eventually uphold the bias that these relationships are not real marriages. LGBTQ plus people are active members of society who work and pay taxes. So, it’s unjustifiable in our world today to refuse their right to marry.           

In conclusion, we must see “freedom of marriage” as an important principle that supports human dignity in present day. To maintain this, we should not undermine this by looking for any loophole. Thank you for your attention. [183 Words Type-F2]


Should we work more on ageism?

Depending on what and how old we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, our efforts against ageism is insufficient, so we need to act more to improve the current situation. Now let me explain the details.     

First, we are prone to downplay ageism compared to other types of discrimination, such as sexism or racism. It is because traditional values have allowed a culture of giving special treatment to seniors. That is why Japan preserves some ageism, such as mandatory retirement. But now, WHO has alerted member countries to act against this outdated bias.     

Next, I understand some may argue that ageism isn’t a big deal, but studies have shown that it actually damages the economy. For example, age discrimination can cause job loss and mental health issues. And this leads to serious problems in many developed countries such as Japan, where the ongoing aging population leads to an aging workforce.     

Therefore, I conclude that we should work to reduce ageism, in order to achieve a happy aging society. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-D]

*be prone to の後は名詞でも不定詞でもよい。無理にing(動名詞)とする必要もない。


Is the government doing enough to eradicate child abuse?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, the government’s efforts for eradicating child abuse is insufficient, so it need to act more to improve the current situation. Now let me explain the details.     

First, statistics have shown that both the number of reported cases of child abuse and the number of consultations have been increasing at an alarming rate. So, even though the government insists that it’s taking enough actions, few people would believe it.     

Next, I understand some may argue that the child welfare budget has incréased, but it is reported that social workers are overworked and overwhelmed in dealing with child abuse matters. This means that the government is not providing enough staff to address the issue. This is why the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed ‘ensuring justice’ as one of their key challenges.           

So, I conclude that the government should make more efforts to eradicate child abuse, in order to maintain a healthy and vibrant society for future generation. Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-D]