
How has the Internet changed the mass media? 

Depending on what we are and where we live, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense. Now, I would like to share my thoughts on how the Internet has changed on the media.     

First, the Internet has allowed us to access more information than ever before. For example, we can easily read a vast amount of news from around the world, no matter where we are. Plus, it is simple to share those stories with others. In addition, everyone can report events and break news online as “citizen journalism,” which can promote democracy.     

Next, the Internet has also been transformed news reporting. In the past, people used to send text articles by telex, check on paper, and then print. Moreover, international reporting used to rely on satellite communication, but now everything is done online, leading to faster and more efficient news reporting.     

In this way, the Internet has changed the mass media significantly. So, if we understand the pros and cons of online media to use it properly, it will help many people. Thank you for your attention. [181 Words Type-M]

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