
Do you think that incréasing the progressiveness of the tax would have a positive or negative effect?

Depending on when we modify tax progressiveness, the answers may well vary, and they all have both positive and negative effects on society at the same time. This is a complicated and sometimes controversial issue, but let me explain some details.     

Economists point out some advantage of the progressive taxation: first, it can help reduce the income gap in the country. In these cases, the government redistributes money to low-income individuals, which stabilizes public emotions and social security in turn. Plus, it can help stimulate the economy by bringing retired money back into circulation. This tax policy is particularly effective when the economy is up.     

There are always cons to everything: one is that tax progressiveness can encourage tax avoidance, where wealthy citizens may move their funds and assets to foreign tax havens, which ultimately harms the local economy.           

What I have said has only outlined the issues: in fact, several other political and economic factors may have a complex impact. So, the government must consider the situation carefully to lay down the optimal tax policy. Thank you for your attention. [181 Words Type-I]


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