
Does the media exaggerate the threat of pandemics?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, the media is not necessarily exaggerating the threat of pandemics. Now let me explain the details.     

First, the media coverage of the pandemic has served to inform and protect the public. On this point, we must recognize that pandemics are massive and serious dangers to public health across the world. For example, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has shown how rapidly a pandemic can spread, and cause serious devastation. This means that we cannot be too wary of pandemics.     

Moreover, media coverage of the pandemic can be benefícial in concentrating resources quickly on addressing it. In fact, the media coverage is mostly accurate information based on WHO announcements. As a result, this can create a national consensus against the pandemic and enable to implement political counter-measures.           

Therefore, even though the media coverage often seems overly sensational, we should not assume that every news report has been exaggerated. Rather, it’s important that we stay informed and take steps to protect our own health. Thank you for your attention. [185 Words Type-Q]


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