Should cybercrime be taken more seriously?
Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, cybercrime is already being taken seriously enough at this time. Now let me explain the details.
First, thanks to online database technology, people today can access to enough information about cybercrime, so there are fewer cybercrime consultations lately. This means that there are already adequate safety measures. Plus, rélevant laws have been put in place to combát severe cybercrimes, such as online harassment, fraud, and indecent behavior.
Next, I understand some may argue that we need more regulations in cyberspace. While it has a point, we should not easily argue the media regulations. We know that the Internet is a valuable ínfrastructure for communication, sharing information, and massive computing. On top of that, it supports our fundamental human rights, “secrecy of communication” and “freedom of speech.” Thus, excessive regulation on the Internet is not acceptable in our world today.
Therefore, as we have taken the necessary steps, I conclude that we should avoid overreacting to cybercrime. Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-P]