Should hunting for sport be banned?
Depending on countries’ historical and cultural background, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, you should not ban it, but instead properly regulate it for sustainability. Now let me explain the details.
First, sports hunting improves wildlife management by controlling target species’ population. For example, it curbs overgrazing, and prevents diseases from spreading. In this way, hunting can help balance in natural ecosystem, as long as it is properly regulated. Plus, sports hunting can support local cultural traditions and local economies.
Next, I understand some may argue that sport hunting can be cruel to animals. While it has a point, hunting has always practiced throughout history, so there should be few ethical problems. In addition, without a number of skilled hunters available, humans will lose control of ecosystem, which will harm the local economy in turn.
Therefore, I conclude that sport hunting should not be banned across the board, and that it should be properly regulated it to balance “fun of the sport” with “ethical and environmental issues.” Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-X]