
What can be done to make people more environmentally conscious?

Depending on what we are and where we live, the answers may well vary, and they are all worth considering, but in my view, we can take certain steps to make people more environmentally conscious. Now let me explain the details.     

First, “individuals” can increase awareness by joining environmental projects, such as planting trees and cleaning rivers. Plus, small actions such as “recycling with neighbors”, and “setting up a food bank,” can have positive influence on their communities, as they often receive media coverage, detailing the significance of these activities.     

Next, “companies” can develop energy-efficient appliances and advertise their merits to incréase public awareness. This works well, because advertisements have a strong impact, particularly in developed countries where people are already conscious of the harm we are doing to the planet. As a result, more people will be willing to invest in electric vehicles, solar panels, and compost bins.           

If we work together on these issues, we can incréase environmental consciousness among people, which is also one of the key challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-H]


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