Is it important to save endangered species?
Depending on how familiar we are with this topic, the answers may well vary, and they are all worth considering, but in my view, it’s important to protect endangered species. Now let me explain the details.
First, as it is, many plants and animals help purify water, fertilize soil, and stabilize climate. Plus, we are also counting on their genetic materials for producing food and medicine. This means that we cannot do without them, so, losing some species would harm us. In addition, studies have shown that losing biodiversity can have negative impact on human health, both directly and indirectly.
Next, I understand some may argue that we don’t know how much losing biodiversity hurts ecosystems, but on this point, the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed “preserving biodiversity” as one of their key challenges. Thus, we can feel assured working together to achieve this goal, even if we are not experts.
Therefore, I agree with what the topic suggests, and believe that protecting endangered species is important for preserving the environment and making our lives sustainable. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-K]