
Is the granting of international aid to poor countries the only way to help their development?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, giving aid to poor countries is not the only resolution. Now let me explain the details.     

First, for example, providing agricultural technology and expanding international trade are also benefícial ways to promote their development, as they also need to enhance economic opportunities. That’s why the UN Sustainable Development Goals calls on member countries to give hands to developing countries in many ways.     

Next, I understand some may argue that financial aid can boost the economy more quickly, but the purpose of aid must be economic independency. So, if the target country has a proper plan for economic growth, different forms of aid are also desirable. On the other hand, if their ínfrastructure has been damaged because of war or natural disaster, simple aid, such as money and food, may be the only option.           

Therefore, even though we know that monetary aid works, we should not rush to grant them. Rather, we should consider different forms of support in many cases. Thank you for your attention. [184 Words Type-Q]


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