
Is military strength the most important element of national security?

Depending on the historical, geopolitical, and many other circumstances of the countries, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, military strength is not always the most important factor of national security. Now let me explain the details.     

First, national security is a complex issue, and not dependent only on military defense. Besides, you must also consider several other factors, such as economic, political, and environmental power. For example, healthy trade relations, natural resources, and even green forests are all important to maintain national security. So, military strength is only one of them.     

Next, having stronger military doesn’t always contribute to greater national security. On the contrary, huge military budgets often lead to financial burden, economic stagnation, and social unrest in turn. History has shown that wars and “arms races” have caused extensive damage even to “victorious nations.”           

What I have mentioned only outlined the issues: in fact, several other political and economic factors can contribute to national security. So, we must carefully consider the situation to lay down the optimal policy. Thank you for your attention. [183 Words Type-I]


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