How to eliminate Weapons of Mass Destruction [or WMD]?
Depending on how we are familiar with the topic, the answers may well vary, and they are all worth considering. But in my view, the international community has made progress over the years, in countering weapons of mass destruction, or WMDs. Now let me explain the details.
First, less and less countries own WMDs nowadays, which is an important step to prevent them from spreading. To achieve this, UN member countries have monitored trade in WMD-materials and technology transfers, based on international framework. This has made it harder for terrorists to acquire WMD materials and skills.
Next, international pressure and persuasion have successfully convinced countries such as South Africa and Ukraine to abandon their núclear programs. In fact, holding núclear weapons need huge costs, which can help convince countries to abandon them.
If we work together on these points, we can make significant progress toward getting rid of WMDs. On this point, the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed “eliminating any violence” as one of their key challenges. Therefore, we must pursue this goal to achieve a peaceful world. Thank you for your attention. [184 Words Type-G,H]