
Do you agree that the veto system of the UN Security Council [or UNSC] should be reformed to meet the demands of time? 

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, the current veto system should not be hastily reformed. Now let me explain the details.     

First, any change in the UN framework could disrupt the current balance of power, and cause unintended conflicts. Historically, the veto system was designed to keep the UN stable, and has prevented large-scale conflicts. In other words, the system has successfully prevented World War III. So few people argue that now is a good time to reform the UNSC.     

Next, I understand some may argue that more countries should have a say in international security, but if the UNSC becomes more multipolar, it could become indecisive, which may harm global security. However, that is the point. For example, Africa has had many huge conflicts, but has never gained a permanent seat, which is worth improving.           

Therefore, I conclude that the UNSC veto system should remain as it is, at least at this time. But we should continue to discuss this matter to get close to our ideal. Thank you for your attention. [186 Words Type-E]


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