Is it possible to create an effective “world government?”
Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, it seems to be impossible to establish an effective “world government.” anytime soon. Now let me explain the details.
First, “a world government” has never existed in history, because the world has been full of diverse ideologies, religions, and political perspectives that are incompatible with each other. In contrast, “a world government” needs globally-unified systems, such as currency, tax, and welfare, which are challenging to achieve even within a single country, let alone globally.
Next, in order to create a ‘world government’, all countries would have to give up their sovereignty. But today, every country already has its own culture, interests, laws, and political system. So, it is difficult to peacefully form “a world government” that represents the interest of everyone.
So, even though “the world government” sounds fantastic, I conclude that it might not be a resolution to our world today. Rather, the most realistic option is to work together under the current UN framework. Thank you for your attention. [180 Words Type-G]
*If such a world government had been easy to create, or if there had been enough need to create it, the UN would have become it long ago.