What is the role of the United Nations [or UN]?
Today, the UN has diverse missions, so depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they are all to the point. Now let me explain some details about its most significant missions.
First, the UN’s most original and greatest mission is to maintain peace and security across the world. In particular, UN-led peacekeeping operations have contributed to prevent, settle, and resolve conflicts and restore local order across the world.
Next, the UN takes leadership in addressing important global economic, social, and cultural problems. For example, it is working to support human rights, and offer humanitarian aid. In this way, the UN is an important platform for its member countries to address worldwide concerns.
In addition, the UN is trying to promote the Sustainable Development Goals. It has listed several political, economic, and environmental challenges to be addressed by 2030, to achieve a sustainable world.
These examples I have just mentioned show the UN’s significance in our world today. And we should also come together to achieve a better world, with the sustainable environment. Thank you for attention. [180 Words Type-X]