Is democracy the best system in the contemporary world?
Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, democracy is the best system in the world so far. Now let me explain the details.
First, democracy is the best way to protect basic human rights. For example, it upholds the freedom of expression and speech, which are necessary for a healthy and vibrant society. It is because we need diverse ideological, religious, and political perspectives, including sometimes conténtious ones, to establish the most effective policy in our world today.
Next, democracy promotes economic growth, because it inspires innovative companies to actively compete. That’s why many prosperous countries across the world have embraced democracy. On this point, the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed “promoting economic growth in all countries,” as one of their key challenges, and democratic governance is an effective way to achieving this goal.
Therefore, even though it still has room for improvement, I am happy to conclude that democracy is and always will be the best political system in the world at this time. Thank you for your attention. [183 Words Type-C]