Should more be done to help the working poor?
Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, our efforts to help the working poor is insufficient, so we need to act more to improve the current situation. Now let me explain the details.
First, statistics have shown that both the number of reported cases of working poor and the number of consultations have been increasing at an alarming rate. So, even if the government insists that it’s taking enough actions, few people would believe it.
Next, I understand some may argue that the social security budget has incréased, but it is reported that social workers are overworked and overwhelmed in dealing with working poor. This means that the government is not providing sufficient staff to address the issue. That is why the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed ‘promoting decent work’ as one of their key challenges, urging member countries to achieve this.
Therefore, I conclude that we should make more efforts to reduce the working poor, for a more healthy and vibrant society. Thank you for your attention. [181 Words Type-D]
*This includes policies that incréase the minimum wage, provide affordable housing and health care, and offer tax relief to low-income workers.