
Is enough being done to stop the exploitation of workers in the developing world? 

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, all those involved have made strides over the years, against exploitation of workers. Now let me explain the details.     

First, governments have put rules in place to protect workers’ rights, including fair pay and good working conditions. Plus, companies in developed countries support this, and are taking care of their supply chain workers, known as “the fair trade movement.” Consumers are also choosing “fair trade products” such as coffee, tea, and chocolate.     

Next, I understand some may argue that challenges remain, such as addressing child labor, but the UN Sustainable Development Goals have listed “promoting decent work” as one of their key challenges. So, most UN member countries are already working side by side to achieve “the fair trade.” Thus, I am also optimistic about the future resolution of any labor exploitation.           

Therefore, even though there is still room for improvement, I conclude that we are making our best effort to combát working exploitation in developing countries. Thank you for your attention. [181 Words Type-E]


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