
Should the death pénalty be abolished? 

This is a controversial issue: depending on current legal situation of countries, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, the death pénalty should be abolished. Now let me explain the details.     

First, many people today believe that the death pénalty is an archaic and cruel form of punishment. Plus, it is not compatible with the current judícial system which approves retrials. So, many countries have come to see it as unethical and inhumane. In response, the UN has repeatedly passed resolutions calling for the abolition of the death pénalty. Then more and more countries have abolished death pénalty in recent years, which is a positive outcome.     

Next, I understand some may argue that the death pénalty helps reduce serious crimes, but statistics have shown that there is no significant difference in the murder rate before and after the abolition. But proponents have been searching for evidence in vain to support their argument.     

Therefore, I agree with what the topic suggests, and believe that we should abolish the death pénalty and find out alternative means of justice. Thank you for your attention. [188 Words Type-K]

*We basically shouldn’t interfere in the political systems of other countries. But human rights issues are different. As they say, “Neither seek nor shun the fight.”


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