
Can restrictions on freedom of speech ever be justified? 

Depending on the situation of democracy and other national circumstances of the countries, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, restrictions on freedom of speech should only be allowed under limited conditions. Now let me explain the details.     

First, restrictions on free speech may sometimes be necessary to safeguard citizens and maintain a healthy democracy. For example, hate speech should not be permitted in the name of free speech. As a result, reasonable limitations can be useful in guaranteeing people’s safety and welfare. Violent and offensive speeches that oppose public interest should be stopped.     

At the same time, restrictions on freedom of speech must be minimal and overseen by neutral private bodies instead of the government, in order to prevent censorship, which is what the Constitution prohibits. The government should respect people’s right to express themselves without censorship.           

In conclusion, we must see “freedom of speech” as an important principle that supports a sound democracy in present day. To maintain this, we should not undermine this by looking for loophole. Thank you for your attention. [182 Words Type-F2]


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