
Are economic sanctions a useful foreign-policy tool?

Depending on what we are, the answers may well vary, and they all make sense, but in my view, economic sanctions can be a useful foreign-policy tool. I hold this view for mainly three reasons.

First, economic sanctions are often preferable to military action for most cases. Throughout history, military conflicts have resulted in harm to innocent civilians and damage to infrastructure. Therefore, it is both ethical and practical to implement economic sanctions when diplomatic efforts have failed. This is why the UN frequently employs economic sanctions to achieve its objectives.

Next, economic sanctions can be imposed in various ways and can be utilized by smaller countries without superior military capabilities or a strong economy. For instance, an embargo on rare metal exports can be highly effective against any target country that depends on them.

In addition, some might argue that economic sanctions often fail. However, once the UN passes resolutions, member countries usually work together to achieve the desired results. In the globalized economy, few countries can survive without international trade. Therefore, economic sanctions can effectively prevent target countries from wrongdoing.

In conclusion, I am convinced that economic sanctions are useful diplomatic measures in our world today based on the reasons mentioned above. (204 words)


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